Why Doesn’t Anyone Tell Us the Truth?

We all have “issues.” That’s right! I do, and so do you! These “issues” keep us back in our careers, alienate us from others, and stagnate our growth. Sadly, nobody seems to be willing to tell us the truth. They talk behind our backs but rarely speak to us directly. LET’S TALK In his book…

You need a Coach!

Pastors and leaders are burning out. In a recent article by Carey Nieuwhof, he shares some startling information from Barna Research: In 2015, 72% of pastors said they felt “very satisfied” with their job as pastors. In late 2022, just 52% of pastors were “very satisfied with their jobs.” That’s a staggering 20% drop over…

Just Trust Me (2)!

(Part 2 of 2) You can have almost everything going for you, but if people don’t trust you, you are stuck. Trust is the glue that keeps us together, and we are torn apart without it. Lack of trust may be the biggest factor in failure.   As I mentioned last time, this headline was…

Just Trust Me!

(Part 1 of 2) “Just trust me!” never cuts it. Max DePree said, “Trust cannot be bought or commanded, inherited, or enforced. To maintain it, leaders must continually earn it.” Now, I know that the Bible says that, ultimately, we put our trust in God, not others. People can always let us down. Psalm 118:8…

Free E-book today!

Yes, free! Nelson Searcy’s book entitled “The Healthy Renegade Pastor” is $0 on Amazon Kindle. Searcy writes, ” From managing stress, staying hydrated, losing weight, and strengthening emotional health, this broad but practical book will help you.” Here’s the link; https://renegadepastors.com/healthy. If you are looking for someone to come alongside you to encourage and coach…

Ascent Pathways – A New Ministry

Many of you know that I’m now “retired.” Someone asked me what does that mean? I joked that it means that I was now officially “a nobody.” Seriously, during this new season, I want to be doing the things that matter. One priority is to help others succeed in their life and ministry. That’s why…


What does a good transition look like? Every good transition requires two important factors: The existing leader must let go and the new leader must take charge. It is much like John the Baptist’s words, “He must increase and I must decrease” (I hope that isn’t taken wrong). Many of you know we have a…

Getting to Know the Supt. Elect

This past Saturday, we elected Brian Hotrum as our upcoming new Superintendent. Congratulations! I remember how nervous I was when I was elected; no one feels ready or capable for this role! Leading leaders is only possible through relationships. Willingness to be led by the Superintendent allows our Conference to pursue unity and health. It’s…

Five Vision Killers

We need vision. A vision sees what could be. It energizes us to work together towards a better future. The Bible warns, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV). As pastors and leaders, we are tasked to cast God’s vision for the future. Unfortunately, wrong attitudes and unhealthy cultures can get…

Preparing for an Election

In ten days, we plan to elect a new Superintendent for the Pacific Conference. All pastors and lay members of the Annual Conference should plan to attend. You need to be present to vote, so mark your calendars for next Saturday, August 6th, at 10:00 am at Valley View Church. We will worship, partake of…

Temptations That Can Destroy Us

Today’s blog is by one of my favorite bloggers, Dave Kraft. Dave has served with The Navigators for 37 years, as well as many years in the local church. Regarding the temptations we face, he writes, “Temptations of a leader are not different than what everyone else faces. The difference is that there is usually…

It’s a Beautiful Day in Our Neighborhood(s)

Remember Mr. Rogers sweetly serenading us with the words, “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor. Would you be mine? Could you be mine?” I believe it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood for churches. Pastor Rick McKinley pastors a sizeable regional church in the Portland area called “Imago…